Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan Forms
Interlibrary Loan FAQ
What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan is a service that obtains research materials from other libraries.
Who can use this service?
All current Manchester University students, faculty, and staff.
What does it cost?
There is no charge to the user. All charges are subsidized by Funderburg Library. Users do need to be aware that there are direct and indirect costs involved and use the service wisely.
Overdue materials do incur fines of $1.00 per day.
How long does it take?
Articles usually come in within 24-48 hours. Books and other materials should arrive in approximately 7-10 days. It is good practice, though, to allow a minimum of 2 weeks for delivery of a requested item, so start your research early. If you need to put a rush on a request, please contact Angie Fisher at
Do I need to know what library owns the material?
What kind of materials may NOT be requested via Interlibrary Loan?
- titles owned by Funderburg Library
- rare or valuable materials
- reference or reserve items
- high demand items--such as Best Sellers
- textbooks
- music recordings
- computer software
- e-books
- genealogical material
- entertainment videos
Are there any limitations placed on Interlibrary Loan requests?
If more than 6 books are requested, we may ask to talk with you before they are requested. We do not want you to be overwhelmed with the amount of material received and not have proper time to use it. Additionally, some requests may not be processed because of costs involved, time needed for delivery, and/or copyright limitations. NOTE: a limit of 5 article requests from any single journal title per year can be requested.
How do I place an Interlibrary Loan book request?
In Spartan Search, click the Request Item button and provide your contact information. For items that are not in Spartan Search, fill out the Book/Media Request Form.
How do I place an Interlibrary Loan article request?
If you find an article in a database that isn't full text, click Request through interlirarry loan. For known citations, check the A-Z List of Journals to see if the article is available in print in Funderburg Library or full text in any of our databases. If not, fill out the Article Request Form.
How long can I keep an Interlibrary Loan book?
The lending library sets the due date. Usually, the loan period is around 3-4 weeks.
Can I renew my Interlibrary Loan books?
Please request a renewal 2-3 days before the due date by filling out a Renewal Request Form. It is up to the lending library to grant or refuse a renewal. Keep the book until we let you know the lending library's response. If they refuse a renewal, then the book will need to be returned immediately.
How will I be notified when my material arrives?
You will receive an email notification when your material arrives. If you don't pick it up within ten days, it will be returned to the lending library.
Where do I pick up my materials?
Interlibrary Loan materials are held for you at Access Services.
How can I check the status of my Interlibrary Loan request?
You can send an email request to
What if my Interlibrary Loan materials are overdue?
You will be charged an overdue fine of $1.00 per day. Also, if the lending library adds a late fee, those charges will be passed along to you. Failure to return Interlibrary Loan materials in a timely fashion may result in suspension of any future Interlibrary Loan services.